VOIP 9-1-1 Service

9-1-1 Calling notice

ATTENTION When dialing 9-1-1, be prepared to provide your address/location. For more details visit em3s.com/911

ATTENTION Lorsque vous composez le 9-1-1, soyez prêt à fournir votre adresse/emplacement. Pour plus de détails, visitez em3s.com/911

Disclaimer of 9-1-1 (over VOIP - E911) service offered by EM3 Services Inc.

We do not have any control over whether, or the manner in which, calls using our 911 dialing service are answered or addressed by any local emergency response centre. We disclaim all responsibility for the conduct of local emergency response centres and the national emergency calling centre. We rely on third parties to assist us in routing 911 dialing calls to local emergency response centres and to a national emergency calling centre. We disclaim any and all liability or responsibility in the event such third party data used to route calls is incorrect or yields an erroneous result. Neither EM3 Services Inc. nor its officers or employees may be held liable for any claim, damage, or loss, and you hereby waive any and all such claims or causes of action, arising from or relating to our 911 dialing service unless such claims or causes of action arose from our gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct. You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless EM3 Services Inc., its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents and any other service provider who furnishes services to you in connection with the service, from any and all claims, losses, damages, fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses) by, or on behalf of, you or any third party relating to the absence, failure or outage of the Service, including 911 dialing, incorrectly routed 911 dialing calls, and/or the inability of any user of the Service to be able to use 911 dialing or access emergency service personnel.

Differences between traditional 9-1-1 service and VoIP phone 9-1-1

With traditional phone services, your 9-1-1 call is sent directly to the nearest emergency response centre. With VoIP phone service, your 9-1-1 call is forwarded to a third-party service provider that will automatically or manually route your call to the emergency response centre.

Provide your location when calling 9-1-1

Because you can move your VoIP phone between locations and because, for technical reasons, the emergency operator may not have your name, location or contact information available, you must immediately inform the emergency operator of your location and contact particulars any time you call 9-1-1. Do not risk sending police or ambulance services to the wrong location.

Be prepared for possible outages

VoIP phone service depends not only on your continued subscription (and payment) for the service, but also on Internet connectivity and power to function. In the event of power, network, or Internet outages (including congestion), or if your service is disconnected or suspended due to non-payment, you may experience a failure, disruption or delay in your 9-1-1 service. We recommend that you keep an alternative phone service (such as a cellular telephone) handy to increase the reliability of your access to emergency services during any service interruption.

VoIP phone service depends not only on your continued subscription (and payment) for the service, but also on Internet connectivity and power to function. In the event of power, network, or Internet outages (including congestion), or if your service is disconnected or suspended due to non-payment, you may experience a failure, disruption or delay in your 9-1-1 service. We recommend that you keep an alternative phone service (such as a cellular telephone) handy to increase the reliability of your access to emergency services during any service interruption.

Listen carefully to 9-1-1 operator instructions

Listen intently and carefully during any 9-1-1 call as the operator may have specific instructions relevant to your scenario. Do not disconnect the call until you are told to do so by an emergency dispatcher. If you are inadvertently disconnected, call back immediately.

Update your service address if you move

EM3 Services Inc. will attempt to provide the emergency operator with your service address. Please ensure that your location information on file with us is always updated ion the event of a change of address. If you are unable to speak during a 9-1-1 call, the emergency operator may assume that you are calling from the last registered address and send emergency response services to the address registered.

Other information

You must notify members of your business or household and any other potential users of your VoIP phone service of the nature and limitations of 9-1-1 emergency calls associated to your VoIP service.